Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Sometimes it is hard to tell what disturbing complications should be attended to first as it relates to tackling the various problems of NIGERIA, NIGERIANs and most of all development in Nigeria as an entity in African.

As an objective social and scentific observer of trends and developments in Nigeria, i would like to follow my views without baise and political or ethinical sentiments. i would also forge further to publish pics and materials of fact upon all arguments, so as to achieve an approximate term of understanding on the solution of these highing disturbing and embarassing problems that have attached itself with the egos we live in as Nigerians.

i would not like to attempt a debate on this vises and the various trends that have trail them since independence or since their obvious appearance in our societies, i would try much to attended to them one article at a time.

also, i would not want to forget the fact that these vices produces reoccurring instance with the speed of the days, i shall tackle each occurance as its appears.

For more convenience of debate, i shall attempt to list areas of interest according to priority.

1. Security
2. Power and Resources
2. Education
3. National Orientation
4. Religion
5. Employment
6. Politics
7. Constitution


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